Embassy of Indigenous Peoples
Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples
“All peoples have the right to self determination.” These are the words of United Nations General Assembly resolution 1514, passed on December 14, 1960, in the wake of the cresting global movement to declare colonization a crime against humanity, a violation of the international law of nation states.
The declaration of colonization as a violation of international law for the first time in the context of the United Nations system, placed the government states who were in violation under the scrutiny of the General Assembly, and procedures were put in place to identify criteria that would specifically describe the Non-Self-Governing Territories under colonization and also establish a reporting system for the violating government states.
From the same resolution, GA 1514:
The General Assembly, Solemnly proclaims the necessity of bringing to speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations…
Mission Statement
To create and sustain a Cultural Embassy of Indigenous Peoples
That will support local-global and holistic indigenous community development initiatives in education, culture, and economic development in accord with the principles of Community Ecology and Self Determination.

Tezcatlipoca: History
Circle of Purpose
Saturday March 14, 2009
In the summer of 1990, a small delegation of Indigenous Peoples living in the O’Odham territories of Arizona traveled to Quito, Ecuador to participate in the First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Nations, Pueblos and Organizations. There the legend and the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor was revealed among all our relations gathered around the sacred fire, and to the entire world. At that historic gathering, the trajectory of the continental indigenous movement of Abya Yala was set in motion, which led to the convening of a Second Continental Encounter of Indigenous Nations, Pueblos and Organizations in Temoaya, Mexico in 1993, followed by the First International Indigenous Summit of the Continental Commission of Indigenous Nations and Organizations (CONIC) in the year 2000 held at Teotihuacan, Mexico.

Abya Yala
V Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nations of Abya Yala
November 10-16, 2013
Download Conference Documents
II Continental Summit of Indigenous Women
Indigenous Reserve of María Piendamó, Cauca Colombia.
November 10-16, 2013
As Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala, children of Mother Earth, we have come a long way together towards the realization of our self-determination, both in the defense of our territories as well as in determining our own ways of life for the future. This long road, which originates in our communities, bringing together both men and women, has been strengthened historically in four continental summits: Teotihuacan (Mexico, 2000), Kito (Ecuador, 2004), Iximche' (Guatemala, 2007) and Titicaca (Peru, 2009). In these spaces of encounter we have shared our culture, spirituality, languages, ancestral knowledge, problems and challenges, alternatives and dreams, and we have reaffirmed our undiminished and inalienable Rights as Indigenous Peoples.